PS4 – How to Stop Game Lag in 7 Days to Die


While playing 7 Days to Die on my PS4, it will occasionally lag/freeze when attempting to do something. It can be when I'm building, collecting materials, etc… but it always seems to happen at the worst point, whenever I collect some murky water.

Now since the game lagged and I accidentally pushed the L2 button twice, I collected and drank the murky water which in turn gave me dysentery. Well not me, but my character in the game.

Is there a setting in either my PS4 or in the game itself that can help with the lagging?

I don't seem to have this problem with any other game I play. And I'm not playing online right now, since I'm new to the game I'm playing solo until I get better before going online. So I know it's not a networking lag issue.

Best Answer

Currently they're working on the lag issue. It's an issue everyone is experiencing. It's not your PS4 causing the issue. Have to live with it until they fix it.