Ps4 – the Playstation Quest For Greatness


I read something today that said if you complete "The Quest for Greatness" on PS3 or PS4, you get some free PSone games.

However I can't seem to find information on what it is. I see walkthroughs, but no official explanation so far. What is the Quest for Greatness and how do I complete it?

Best Answer

The Short:

Basically, QfG is a way for PlayStation to advertise an underused service of theirs by incentivizing users with free content.

The Long:

PlayStation's official YouTube Channel released these videos concerning their Quest for Greatness (QfG):

QfG is an episodic miniquest series (1 and 2 are out and we are expecting a third and more installments). It is made to promote the almost forgotten PlayStation Home. To help bring new life to PS Home QfG offers incentives such as free games and ingame content. All QfG gameplay is free and can be reached through PlayStation home.

A PlayStation employee on the forums recently posted about QfG2 (including a voucher code and a walkthrough), inviting people to share their experiences on the thread.