Ps4 – Way of white circlet


In dark souls 3 I am having trouble seeing summon signs. I have tried using the "way of white" circlet but it won't allow me to use it. I haven't been logging out while being invaded or anything like that. Does anybody know how to activate the circlet or something? Because I've tried using an ember and it still won't work

Best Answer

If you can't use the Way of White Circlet, that means that you haven't disconnected while invaded or while invading, you don't have to worry about that. If you did, you could use the Circlet. Anyway, try this:

First of all, be sure that your Ps4 is connected to the internet. Next check that your game is updated and playing in Online mode.

After checking all of this, let's see the in-game factors. DS3 matchmaking depends on your Soul Level and your maximum weapon upgrade, so for example, although you are SL 37, if your highest weapon upgrade is +6, you won't get paired with someone that has a +10 weapon. The location is also an important factor, if you are overleveled for an early area, you will find troubles seeing summon signs, and on the contrary, if you don't level up too much and go through the game. If you are embered you will usually see some NPC summon signs.

PS: Referring to pushasha's comment, hollowing does not make any difference on seeing summon signs.