‘push to talk’ button on gamepad for GTA Online


Is there a push-to-talk button for voicechat on gamepad in the PC port of GTA Online?

If not, is there a way to map the Xbox contoller scheme for this? (I am using PS3 controller and SCP Server.)

For now I use voice-activated + mute, but I prefer using push-to-talk so that my fellow gamers don't have to listen to me yell at my kids and wife.

Best Answer

I found that there is no way to do this in-game for the gamepad.

For en-us keyboard the N key will activate push-to-talk by default.

However, various utils (depending on your gamepad) can be used to map one of the gamepad buttons to the push-to-talk button (N key).

Since this game makes good use of all gamepad buttons, remapping one of the gamepad buttons for push-to-talk is unreasonable to do, and therefore the best option when doing voice chat with GTAV:PC is to use voice-activated+mute.


Yes, I know that this is the norm for console gamers, but us oldskool PC gamers are used to push-to-talk. It is especially handy for those of us with large/busy households, or who are gaming in public / cafes / etc which is the great thing about PC games: you can play them on a laptop!