I can't seem to recharge more than one battery. I did a battery upgrade, so I have three available batteries, but the normal recharge only fills up one. I can get another battery to charge up by using an item, but I would think I should be able to recharge them. Am I missing something?
Recharging More Than One Battery
Related Solutions
You have to get all of the eBooks in a single walk through. Missing out on any of them at any particular stage will make you ineligible for the achievement.
Doctorate is one of the hardest achievements in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. You know why ? because it’s a collectible achievement and requires you to collect 29 unique XP books that are scattered throughout the cities you will visit in Deus Ex: Human Revolution and you need to collect all these books in a single playthrough.
Sarif HQ
XP E-Book #1 Location. Look for this Unique XP Book on Pritchard’s desk in his office.
XP E-Book #2 Location. Search Office 25 that belongs to Mika Pine on the second floor, it is on the same floor as Pritchard’s office. Again, it can be found on office desk. Hack the door or use the code 4145 to get in.
XP E-Book #3 Location. Look for it in office 27, it is right next to office 25. You can either hack to get in or use the vent from the neighboring office.
Sarif Manufacturing
There are two ebook that you can grab here and you have to grab them before entering the aircraft. Make sure you rescue all the hostages and then speak to the women ‘Josie Thorpe’ and her husband. (Women held by Zeke) Her husband will give you this quest to retrieve these two ebooks.
XP E-Book #4 Location. You will encounter an automated turret in the hall. Go to the room at the end of this hall and you should find in under cardboard boxes.
XP E-Book #5 Location. It is lying on the desk in the left corner of the room in which encounter Zeke. You should get it before you encounter Zeke.
Detroit City (First Visit)
There are total 6 ebooks that you can find in Detroit and you can find them in any order.
XP E-Book #6 Location. Look for it on the dresser in Jensen’s room, by his bed.
XP E-Book #7 Location. In the Detroit City Police Station morgue, look for it on the coroner’s desk.
XP E-Book #8 Location. It is on the desk of the weapon dealer – Seurat. You can find this XP book on the desk by his bed. You will have to break into his apartment using a Window.
XP E-Book #9 Location. First go to the ‘Downtown Apartments’ area. You should enter it through a locked gate which you can open by entering ’0002′ pass code. On the second floor, there is a level 5 locked door which you can either hack or enter code 2356 to enter. Inside it is another level 2 door which you can hack or enter code 8221 to enter. You will find XP book is lying by the desk, once you are inside.
XP E-Book #10 Location. Take ‘One Good Turn Deserves Another’ side quest and enter Greg Thorpe’s apartment. Look for the XP Book on cabinet next to his bed.
XP E-Book #11 Location. Look for this XP Book on a barrel inside Derelict Row interior area.
XP E-Book #12 Location. Head south from the detention block in the FEMA Camp. You should find a locked room past the canteen on floor 4. Ebook is lying on the desk inside.
Shanghai City
XP E-Book #13 Location. Look for this XP Book inside The Hive in Bobby Bao’s office which is on the first floor. It’s a restricted area so you will need to use all your stealth to reach there.
XP E-Book #14 Location. Another XP E-book that you can find in The Hive. This time you will need to search Tong’s office that is located in the basement. To get inside, you will need to persuade Tong at the club bar. Make sure you save the game here since it may require multiple attempts.
XP E-Book #15 Location. Before you enter into Van Bruggen’s office, take a left of the main entrance and you will come across a locked room. You can hack this room to reach a unique XP E-book inside that is lying on the kitchen counter. There are two guards on duty here and the room is just behind them.
XP E-Book #16 Location. For this XP Book, you need to go to Youzhao District. Go to the Downtown Apartments, climb up the rooftop using the ladders. You will see a rooftop opening, get inside the building on the second floor to the locked room with an NPC working on his computer desk. The ebook is on his computer desk.
XP E-Book #17 Location. From the rooftops of Downtown Apartments, head north into the apartment. There is a women looking over the walkaway, the apartment is beyond where she stands. As you enter this locked apartment, you will notice this XP Book.
XP E-Book #18 Location. Finally, search the Alice Gardens Pods area for XP Book. Go to the second floor, and look for the pod number 143. The ebook is sitting tight on it.
Lower Tai Yong Medical
XP E-Book #19 Location. Take yourself to the highest level of the Pangu and look for this ebook just before you enter into the elevator. You should notice a vent up on the wall – stack the boxes nearby to reach the vent and you should find this ebook next to to a dead body. He died reading, YEAH!
Upper Tai Yong Medical
XP E-Book #20 Location. Once you are in the upper area (TOP), find ‘Lee Geng Memorial Laboratory’. You will find the XP book on a low cabinet shelf that is lying in the middle of the room.
XP E-Book #21 Location. From Hangar, head to the southwest corner of the security room before you make your escape. This XP book is lying on a desk inside that room. So make sure you get it before you run away.
XP E-Book #22 Location. You will find this XP Book as you escape using the elevator. Take the vent next to hand sculpture and drop down to head into the room in the corner. There is a desk inside that room and the book is lying over it begging you to get her.
XP E-Book #23 Location. Before heading down the basement, enter the side room there. You will find this XP Book inside. It’s second floor and you can easily spot the book as you enter the room.
Harvester Hideout
XP E-Book #24 Location. To get this XP Book, you need to enter the lowest level of the Harvester Hideout and enter the autopsy room. It’s on a desk.
Detroit (Second Visit)
XP E-Book #25 Location. Go to the backstage of the Convention Center. You will find the security guards watching TV which makes it easy for you to sneak past them and retrieve this ebook lying in the corner of this room.
XP E-Book #26 Location. When you confront Sandoval, Search his desk for this XP Book.
XP E-Book #27 Location. Go to the LIMB Clinic and go the section of clinic where Augmentations are performed. The XP book is lying on a stand. Get it!
Omega Ranch
XP E-Book #28 Location. Second floor, cold storage room. Look for this XP Book next to the elevator.
XP E-Book #29 Location. Once you have defeated Namir, Hack her safe to get the last ebook.
Take a look at this in-game image of the 10 mm pistol (taken from Wikia):
The three icons next to the weapon image always represent (in order) the Laser Sight, Silencer and a Specialist upgrade. If a weapon cannot take any of these specific upgrades they will be crossed out and they would be highlighted green if fitted. We can see in this example that the pistol can take all three, but has none yet fitted.
Below these are the weapon's four statistics. The bright orange elements here show the weapon's base performance, then there sometimes dark green bits following these. The number of dark green bits in each line is how many weapon mods of that type the weapon can take, and these become green when fitted. If there are no dark green bits the weapon cannot take any upgrades of that type.
Continuing on from the same example, let's look closer at this pistol's damage:
Base damage is three units, one damage upgrade has been fitted, and the weapon will take another three (for a total of four damage upgrades).
What this means in this example, the 10mm Pistol, can take all of:
- Laser Sight
- Silencer
- Special Upgrade (AP Bullets)
- 4 × Rate of Fire Upgrade
- 4 × Reload Speed Upgrade
- 4 × Damage Upgrade
- 4 × Ammo Capacity Upgrade
For a maximum total of 19 different upgrades of varying types.
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Best Answer
Technically it's not "the first" battery that recharges, it's just one. If you eat up to your max, the last bar will recharge as long as you don't use any of the second-to-max.
To complicate matters, it seems eating a multiple-battery item (which supposedly restores two energy) will actually only restore your current battery plus one more. So if you have three batteries, you're halfway through regenerating the first, and you eat a two-battery item, you'll only end up with two batteries (as opposed to the expected two and a half, with the half regenerating).
TL;DR - wait for your batteries to recharge before eating anything!