Recruit gang members in Vice City


How do I recruit gang members in GTA Vice City? I completed the game 100%, have 200 hp/armor and unlimited ammo already.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City In GTA Vice City, bodyguards only become
available to the player after receiving 100% Completion of the game.
The bodyguards can be found in the living room/bar of the Vercetti
Estate. The player can get a total of three bodyguards at one time.
In-game, the bodyguards are depicted as members of the Vercetti gang.

The Backup feature was first introduced in Grand Theft Auto: Vice
City, but to a minor extent. The player can only gain backup after
achieveing 100% completion of GTA Vice City. Once the player achieves
100% completion of the game, three Vercetti Gang members will spawn in
the TV room of the Vercetti Estate. The player can hire them by
walking into the halo next to them, but at the cost of $2000.

So, there are no people at all in the "living room"… I checked many times. What a let down…

Best Answer

I found out that the feature is still there in Vice City for iOS. I don't know what happened but after running around randomly rampaging a few days and then returning to the mansion, the three promised gang members were waiting in the room to the right after entering the mansion. Maybe I got some higher criminal rating(?)