Reliable way to find which Diving Goggles I’ve missed


So I'm working on the Dive Master achievement and my Hero panel lists me at 33/37. I've been following this guide, and am pretty certain I've completed them all, except for the bugged one in Metrica Province.

How can I find out which Dive points I've missed? Or do I just have to go through them all again? Have any been added in recent updates, such as new ones in Southsun Cove?

Best Answer

Unfortunately there is no current way to see which ones you've completed.

Keep in mind that your dives won't count unless you land in the water after diving, this may explain how you've done them all but didn't get credit for 4 of them.

Your best bet is to run through all of them again, but start with any where you might not have landed in the water.

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