Remaining time on a bounty


I have had a $7000 bounty on my head for days (real-time) now. I keep playing missions and joining friends games so the bounty keeps getting carried over to my next free-mode session. I know many different strategies on how to rid myself of the bounty, but is there any way to find out how much remaining time is left on my current bounty?

I really wish I could call Lester up and ask him…I imagine he has that info located somewhere on his hard drive. All this constant running and stress is making my hair turn grey, and I am not talking about my character's hair!


Just to clarify, I am asking how do I find out the remaining time on my current bounty (whether it is located in the menu somewhere or on RockstarSocialClub); not how to lose a bounty.

Best Answer

No. Bounties last 1 in game day, or 48 minutes real time. This 48 minute timer decreases as you spend time in free roam in an online session.

The best you can do is estimate or keep track of how many minutes you have spent in free mode since the bounty was placed.

If you are worried about running away all the time, note that time spent in your apartment will count toward this bounty timer.