Remove the game listing without removing the game


I want to remove some of the games that appear on my Home screen – the ones I don't play very often, like Face Raiders, for example.

I don't want to take them out of the system completely, because sometimes they are neat to play (or to show other people how the AR works, for Face Raiders). I know I can do that by going to System Settings, then to Data Management, and then from there choosing what I want to remove.

I also would like to avoid "hiding them" by moving them to the last few slots, if at all possible.

What if I just want to "hide" them from the Home screen? Is that possible?

Best Answer

It's not possible to remove or hide the built-in software like Face Raiders or Safety Warning at all.

3DSWare can be deleted, but not hidden. If you delete it, you'll have to re-download it.

For DSiWare, you can move it to your SD card. This will require you to copy it back off the SD card when you want to play it or show it to someone, but you'll at least not have to re-download it.

The new 3DS firmware update, slated for April 25th, adds folder support to the home screen; you'll be able to add everything you don't want to see to a single folder.