Reset EV with Secret Training


I have a few Pokemon at 80 that I didn't EV train. I hear Super Training or Super Secret Training can reset EV for Pokemon at "any" level.

How can I redo my EV points for Pokemon at high levels? And how will EV points restart if you're already at say max level?

No matter what I try, it tells me "x's base stats can't go higher! It can't use the HP Bag M!"

Best Answer

Just hit the default punching bag in Super Training and you'll be given random punching bags (up to a max of 12; throw away extra bags at this point, or use them up). Somewhat rarely you will be given an unmarked white bag called a reset bag which totally resets EVs. I've heard rumors that pokemon with 0 Evs are more likely to give out reset bags, but in my experience pokemon with full EVs at the least still CAN give EV bags.

The EV reset is complete and level doesn't matter. Then you can just use Super Training to perfectly train your pokemon.