Revoking bishoprics without opinion penalty


If I wanted to revoke a feudal title, I would usually go via: have spymaster discover a plot / have the vassal rebel -> imprison the guy -> revoke his feudal title (e.g. county). This way I don't get any opinion penalty from my other vassals.
This does not seem to work with religious (at least Catholic) titles. When I uncover plot by some bishop, imprison him and try to revoke his bishopric – this sill incurs opinion penalty.
Why is this so and how do I nationalize the damn church holdings?

Related to this question, but I'm specifically interested in Bishoprics, Prince-Bishoprics, etc.

Best Answer

In order to revoke without tyranny, imprisonment is NOT sufficient. This applies to religious vassals as well as feudal vassals. There's 3 ways to revoke without tyranny:

1. Have a claim on the title

There's various ways to do this , but the most straightforward is using your chancellor to fabricate a claim.
note: your chancellor cannot fabricate on a barony-level title, e.g. a bishopric

2. Target ruler is your direct vassal and is a traitor

This can be caused by the target rebelling and losing (or white peace?), or by the target refusing your request to stop backing a plot.
note: barony-level titles(e.g. bishoprics) will never rebel

3. Target ruler is of a different religion (and your realm laws allow it)

Depending on if you have the Conclave DLC and what realm laws you have passed, you may be able to revoke from vassals of a different religion. If you are able to obtain the title above your target and give it to a courtier of a different religion, that heathen (or infidel) will replace his vassals (including your target) with rulers of his religion . Once he's done, you can revoke your previously appointed title, and that (prince-)bishopric is now your direct vassal and ruled by a heathen! (or infidel!) From there you can revoke without upsetting any of your proper, god-fearing vassals.
note: Religious revocation does not allow Christians to revoke from non-heretical Christians. e.g. a Catholic can revoke from a Cathar or Muslim, but not an Orthodox
note2: If granted title does not allow religious revocation, you have to wait for your pet heathen to convert his vassals