Super Mario Odyssey – Reward for 100 Jumps in Jump-Rope Challenge


In New Donk City, there is a group of people playing with a jump rope. Mario can join in to try and earn a high score.

After winning a moon for achieving 30 jumps, a nearby man said "I wonder if anyone has ever done 100 jumps…". I'm not sure if this was simply encouraging me to get a high score, or if this was a specific goal I should aim for.

Is there a reward for getting 100 jumps in the Jump-Rope challenge?

Best Answer

It took a few attempts, but you can earn two power moons by playing the Jump-Rope challenge.

  • 30 jumps: (#29: Jump-Rope Hero)
  • 100 jumps: (#30: Jump-Rope Genius)

Any score above 100 jumps is just for bragging rights on the online leaderboard.