Ryu combos sometimes not registering


I've had Ryu for about a week, and I've been trying to input his original inputs from Street Fighter without much success. I clearly see my circle pad go in a 180 degree circle, yet no Shankunetsu Hadoken. This especially applies to the true inputted Shoryuken, which may just be my lack of skill in this area.

Can anyone tell me why this is happening or a more optimal circle pad movement that the game still recognizes as a true input?

Best Answer

This is simply you not inputting the inputs correctly. They may be hard to do but there are some alternatives. Firstly, press (on a gamecube controller) press A instead of B, so if you screw up the input a shorter attack comes out instead of your non-true special.

As for alternatives to the inputs. You can use 2 quarter circles instead of a Z to get true shoryuken, and for true Hurricane Kick, try using a backwards half circle instead of backwards quarter circle to ensure you get the full quarter circle motion.