Screen freezing while fast traveling in Skyrim. How to stop it


I just finished the quest Battle for Whiterun. I listened to the Jarl's speech and started the quest, Reunification of Skyrim. I am to report to General Tallius, but every time I try to fast travel to Solitude the game freezes. No sound. No movement of the screen whatsoever. No Xbox guide. I don't have any add-ons so I don't think its a corrupted file. I don't know what to do.

Best Answer

When I had that problem what I did was look up to see what could be done about that and what I found is that for some reason when auto saves our present it stops the game from loading on the console so what google suggested is that you clear out your auto saves and that stops freezing from happening so give it a try and it should stop the problem.

Here's what you can do: You can type in the statement: Sky Rim Won't Load on the Google Bar and it should bring up answers to that problem.