Serana just stays in attack mode


I have already looked up multiple things on how to fix this glitch, but found no answer.
I may not have been reading anything right, but it is really ticking me off. I just need a direct solution.

I am in the quest "Chasing Echoes", she's been following me throughout the mission until we hit the big looking lunchroom full of skeletons, and she just stays there. I went to go, brought the gargoyle back and she gets farther as you make it known you're in an attack.

Though she just stays in attack mode, either still casting a spell or just crouching there in that same spot.

How can I fix this?

I'm playing on the PC.

Best Answer

This happened to me, if you mean the Graveyard. Just attack her until she goes into bleedout (when she's out of health and on one knee). She should be fixed when she gets back up.