Share save files between computers


Ok, so I searched the site and found some semi-relevant topics, but nothing to specifically answer my question.

What I'm trying to do is play Oblivion on two PCs using the same save files. I was thinking that the easiest way would be to cloud share the save files location, but Dropbox for example doesn't allow that. What I can do is simply upload/download the folder every time I switch PC, but I'd like to avoid that. I also considered mapping the save route of the game to a folder inside Dropbox, but as far as I learned it is not possible.

No, I'm not using stream (I know there is a sync option there).

Best Answer

Oddly enough through a little bit of research Dropbox actually can be used to sync saved games between two computers. I haven't tried this method myself since I do not have two computers but this should work for your needs.

Here is a summarized version of the tutorial:

  1. Locate you save files folder (usually in User\Documents\My games).
  2. Move the folder to Dropbox and delete/rename the original folder.
  3. Create a symbolic link ("symlink") from the old folder location to the new on all computers using the following command (from Command prompt):

mklink /D "C:\Users\Whitson\Documents\My Games\Darksiders" "C:\Users\Whitson\Dropbox\Game Saves\Darksiders"

Replace the first path with the original folder location and the second with the current folder location in Dropbox.