Shinryu Battle at Low Level


I've been neglecting to level Wakka and Tidus is only slightly better. Now I'm hacking through the Monster Arena and SURPRISE Shinryu is an underwater battle.

I can't seem to find any advice on dealing with Shinryu at a low level. Just tons of advice to level up my characters. I'm working on that now, but I was hoping that someone had some hints on how to deal with Shinryu without maxing Strength, Agility, Magic Defense, and Evasion, cause that's a long way off for me.

Best Answer

tl;dr: No.

Shinryu isn't a strong monster compared to most other mobs in the monster farm, but you have to fight it with tidus, wakka and rikku, if they aren't strong enough, there is almost no chance. Is has 2kk HP, magic is rather useless against it since it halves the dmg of all elements, resists most special conditions and got a few powerful attacks, including kicking 2 of your teammates out of the fight instantly, without chance to recover them, leaving you with a single person to fight it.

So don't even try it. It will cost you a lot of nerves and will most likely never be successful. The monster farm bosses weren't build for low level characters.

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