Shiny Starter Pokemon on Fire Red using a GBA Emulator on Android


I'm running Pokemon Fire Red on an Android phone using "My Boy!" emulator. Is it possible to get a shiny starter pokemon (Charmander) by reseting the game everytime I choose the starter pokemon? (I saved the game right before chosing it).

I made this question because I read on the Internet that it's not possible to get a shiny starer pokemon by reseting the game if you're using an emulator, because the interal code that determines whether if a pokemon is shiny or not does never reset.

Best Answer

It depends on how you reset the game.

Most emulators offer what is called "save states". Save states contain the entire memory dump of a game, unlike regular save games which only contain what the developer believes is important for the game.

Save states are particularly popular among emulator users, because they offer a way to cheat, such as resetting a particular move in combat.

In this case, the save state will contain the RNG (Random Number Generator) which a regular save game would not; why keep the RNG in memory, if you can generate a new one every time you launch the game? Of course, this also means you cannot simply load a save state to improve your chances of getting a shiny Pokémon, you'll have to reload a regular save game instead.

In other words: you'll have to quit the game, launch it again, then load the save game from within the in-game menu.