Shoot enemies in the left arm most of the time


Here are my Counter Strike 1.6 rankstats for a certain period of play:

Kills : 971 (309 with hs)
Hits  : 3727
Shots : 17387
Acc.  : 21.43%

HITS      :
head      :  424 (11.95%)
chest     :  607 (17.10%)
stomach   :  406 (11.44%)
leftarm   : 1214 (34.21%)
rightarm  :  420 (11.83%)
leftleg   :  223 ( 6.28%)
rightleg  :  255 ( 7.19%)

Notice the very high percentage of shots aimed at the enemy's left arm. When shooting, I normally aim for the chest hoping for a headshot on the second or third fire but too may shots on left arm is unexplainable. Do I need to change my crosshair settings? Or should I aim a little towards right?

Best Answer

First, you are not the only one who has this. It's very-very common.

Second, it happens because the left arm, which holds the front end of the gun, also covers a (huge) part of the chest and abdomen.

Counter Strike models

On this picture you can clearly see that when an opponent faces you(and it happens most of the time), his body is greatly protected by his left arm.

P.S. Switching weapon to the left hand won't help, other player models will still have weapons in their right hands.


As Salman A mentioned in his comment, I'll also add my profile picture:

profile pic

As you can see, my left arm is also covering my body(although it's a very bad idea to face an enemy like that) :-)