Shooting down helicopters in Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam


I dont know if anyone else out there has noticed but the Helicopters in Bad Company 2: Vietnam are stupidly hard to shoot down.

I consider myself quite a Veteran at the original Bad Company 2 where heli's weren't all that much of a problem with the tracer dart and rpg combo, but I am really struggling with them in Vietnam.

Currently I just chip away slowly with an LMG and hope they dont fly off the get healed. Is there something incredibly obvious that I am missing ? because its just plain ridicolous how much damage these things can do sometimes (even if the pilot isnt anything special).

Best Answer

In hands of a good pilot Huey is pretty much indestructible if it keeps healing after a few cycles (they could even heal it right in the air). If I jump into one I would be dead in 10 seconds, but I still remember one guy that was murdering our whole team for the whole game scoring >4k points (and taking down choppers is my highest priority).

The best you can do is to spot it as early as possible and hope that a few teammates start helping, single handed you can only be somewhat an annoyance to a good pilot forcing him to go for a repair after couple cycles. To take cycle strafing armored chopper down in one cycle you probably would need at least 3 people with LMGs.

If I am the only one who tries to take it down, then the safest strategy against a good pilot is to shoot only when the chopper is turned backwards to you, and then quickly move to a new position before the next cycle. LMG seems to work the best.

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