Should I always give fiefs to new vassals


I have got about 5-7 vassals without fiefs, but with hight relation rate (about 60+ each). Should I give them fiefs or they won't leave me anyway? I have got 3-4 vassals with low relation rate (about 4-8) and if I start to giving aways fiefs I could lose relationship with them.

Best Answer

Politics in Calderia is very very tricky. There are benefits and drawbacks of doing either, and you should be very careful when granting fiefs as you can easily alienate a lot of your vassals if you give them out too fast.

Here are the things you have to consider:

  • Granting a fief to a certain lord will alienate all other lords who are not on friendly terms with the one who got the fief. Your relationship with all of these lords may drop by several points. Yet, giving a fief to a lord is not enough a big enough bump for him to overlook you giving a fief to two lords he despises.
  • Higher relationships with your lords will ensure that it's less likely for them to defect and cause you to lose a fief. So you always want to make sure your important fief holders for castles and towns have good relationships with you.
  • Before granting a fief, it helps if you talk to each lord to determine who they support. This is rather time consuming and annoying.
  • Try not to give a lord two fiefs on the opposite sides of the map. Most lords have a preferred 'home' and giving them a fief on the far side of the map means he'll most likely neglect one of them since he can only be one in place at a time.
  • Give the important fiefs (towns, castles) to lords with higher relationships and the villages to less dependable lords.
  • After granting a fief, spend some time patching up relationships with the other lords to keep their relationships up higher. Hosting a feast (only do this in times of peace) is a good way of mass bumping everyone's relations up by a point or two.

I prefer to stick to a small but highly dependent group of lords, but this leads to other issues as you expand in territory it becomes harder to patrol and defend your borders. The more lords you have, the more annoying it becomes, so the more time you'll have to spend patching up relationships.

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