Should I persist to try to get in the subway after I broadcast the message In New York


I'm back to New York, I just broadcast the message and UNATCO troops started to fire at me. I made my way to the apartment and my brother told me to run. I know I'm supposed to go to the subway, but after 2 or 3 tries, I didn't successfully made it. Anyway, I get captured and I noticed I can continue the story from that point.

Should I persist and reload my game until I made it to the subway or it does not change anything since I will be captured anyway?

Best Answer

If you haven't played too far, I suggest to get back to the hotel room with your brother and help him fight off the Agents.

You cannot win and will be captured at any rate, but this will prevent your brother from getting killed. If he survives you will meet him later in the game.

So, no. You cannot avoid being captured.