Should I sponsor an organization which aims to get more women into technology


I recently got this message from my employee:

Screen clip of in-game message - text below
"Hi Boss! A friend of mine is greatly involved in an organization which aims to get more women into technology. They are looking for a sponsor and I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity for us. Would you like to help out?"

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sponsoring the organization or declining the offer?
Is the amount I'm gonna be paying for sponsorship constant? (Is it always 100K like in my screenshot?) Are there factors that affect how much it takes to sponsor this organization?

Best Answer

Not only does it earn you some fans, but similar to other requests you will get from your employees occasionally, denying the request can affect the efficiency of your current employees. If you choose not to sponsor, any female employees you currently have will get a temporary decrease in efficiency, similar to what you see when you add a new employee.