Overwatch – Should Junkrat Jump or Walk on Top of His Mine?


To "better" use concussion mine to jump?

What does better mean?

I don't know. What method the pro uses? What's the plus and minus?

Presumably higher I suppose.

Best Answer

From personal experience, I normally just detonate and jump at the same time. You just want to be really close to the mine and in the air with your momentum from the jump helping propel you upwards. The closer to the mine you are, the more knockback you receive. I kind of view it from the TF2 perspective from rocket jumping and trying to jump at the exact same time you fire a rocket at your feet.

Some good things about going higher is that you can possibly get a nice bombing run, what I like to call shooting Junkrat's grenades in the air while enemies are under you, and disrupt enemies on important objectives. Some bad things are that you are in the air for a decent amount of time and a good Widowmaker can easily pick you off. It's all a balancing act of what you need in the current situation. Maybe you need a quick horizontal movement rather than a big jump. It all takes a little bit of practice and knowledge for what you need.

A good jump in my view is just a jump that gets you where you need to go while taking not too much time for someone to pick you off as you reach your peak in the air.