Skyrim Dragonborn – Why is Everyone Attacking Me in Skyrim?


So Im in a barrow in Solstheim. I exit, read A black book, and head to Raven Rock. touched the Earth stone for the buff. After this I walked into Raven Rock, a guard yells and i get a 40 bounty then everyone is attacking me. I tried sheathing only to get another bounty and the guard saying the response to the "I'd rather die" option. This will keep repeating itself until I die.

I went to Whiterun with the same results: recurring bounty, overall aggression. Also for the record I am NOT a vampire.

Is there a solution/ reason for any of this?

Best Answer

Here are some generic, "works for all system" fixes pulled from a more thorough answer here.

If you play on the PC, please refer to the referenced answer with multiple console command based solutions (paying off crime, changing faction, respawning/resetting NPC, etc.)

In-game Fix

  • Go to a far away location (why? you want the area to be unloaded from active use so it can reset)
  • Sleep for 30 days straight (this is the longest time needed for reset)

This should fix a lot of general NPC glitches like missing NPCs, NPCs attacking you on sight, not talking/responding, not following you, etc.

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