Skyrim Warriors Killing Me


I'm inside the 'Sleeping Giant Inn' and some warriors keep comming in and saying 'We are going to teach you a lesson' and then they kill me. I dont know why, I have not kiled anyone. If I go outside they are there. What do I do to make them go away.

P.S. I have stolen a few things from the inn before but I dont see how that would affect the warriors.

Best Answer

This is known as the Hired Thugs encounter, and is triggered by stealing from or killing an NPC, whether or not you were seen doing so. One of the thugs will be carrying a contract naming you as the recipient of their "lessons".

Really, the only way to deal with them is to fight; the guards may offer some assistance if you run outside, and if you keep running, the thugs won't follow you into another city or a dungeon, but it's not easy to avoid combat.

I think this encounter mainly exists to ensure that crime doesn't always pay - in Morrowind, and to a lesser extend Oblivion, it became quite easy to commit a wild burglary spree with minimal conflicts or consequences. In Skyrim, you get beat up, even if you're super-sneaky.

(Source: UESP)