Sometimes boost when ramming other Karts


I've noticed that sometimes when I crash into other Karts, we both spin out — but then I get a speed boost, and continue flying past them.

What factors are at play here? Should I always try to be ramming my opponents? I seem to have noticed this mostly when the Karts are in anti-grav mode — is that a requirement to get this speed boost?

Best Answer

If you run into another driver with a boost you can steal it from them by colliding with their kart.

The final speed boost is to just steal a boost from someone else. When you see a driver with three mushrooms or the Crazy 8 circling their kart, you can physically collide with an item to get its effects.

While in zero gravity mode, crashing into any kart will give you a boost.

When in zero-G, any kart you hit -- and certain glowing posts in the road -- will give you a speed boost

Quotes from an IGN article.