Space Engineers – Monospace Font Workaround Guide


I'm currently writing some ingame scripts in space engineers (vanilla) to show certain data on ingame LCD panels. Besides text I also want to display some diagrams. Unfortunately space engineers LCD panels do not provide monospaced font what makes it quite difficult to generate ASCII art diagrams.

The only way to get what I want is try to find characters that have the same width which is the case for | and ' or for _ and x.

Can anyone provide a list of such equal-width characters? I still did not find any set of 3 chars with same length.

Edit for clarification: I'm not searching for a technical workaround (like replacing the font of the game).

A graph on an ingame lcd panel

Best Answer

I've discovered that the font data are stored in FontData.xml (SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\..). There are also the font widths listed so it is quite easy to find those with same size.

Promising groups are (only special characters listed):

Size 25: ,-.:;[]{}·

Size 22: |'´¦ˉ

It's not much but more than I knew before. Unfortunately the space ' ' has size 15 so you cannot replace one of those characters with a space (not even with multiple spaces).