Saints Row 2 – Is There a Preferred Order for Completing Missions?


Is there a specific order to complete SR2?

I remember playing once and Gat got killed, but then later playing against a different gang he was still there for cut-scenes.

This made me thing that I may have done something out of order.

Best Answer

There are three sets of gang missions in Saints Row 2, and each gang has a "sub-plot line" you can complete independently, although the missions within each line can't be completed outside of their set order.

Each gang mission line has its own central "Saints Row Lieutenant" who is most central to that part of the story. The events of each are not related until all are completed, when you unlock another set of story line missions.

That said:

Gat doesn't die in Saints Row 2 - he's injured during the Ronin quest line, and hospitalized. You save him from the hospital shortly afterwards. There's no way to get Gat killed permanently in this game.

You may be forgetting the rescue operation, which brings this character back into your group. He plays a role in later missions.