Spend event tokens after an event has ended


The Festival of the Four Winds is about to end, and I realized that I don't know whether I have to spend all my Favor of the Festival and Festival Tokens before then.

Will merchants taking the event currency remain in the game, or do I have to make my purchasing decisions under time pressure?

Best Answer

Most living story chapters require you to spend your tokens before the event is over.

Some chapters have token traders that remain for a set duration after the event concludes. A good example of this is Lionguard Lyns, who remained available for several months after the Lost Shores chapter that she accepted tokens from.

Halloween and Dragon Bash recur annually and have a shared permanent trader: Sonder the Seller. Wintersday also recurs annually, although the Festival Lionguard trader for ugly wool items is only available during Wintersday.

Additionally, any type of weapon claim ticket (as well as both types of Fortune Scraps) can be traded at the permanently available Black Lion Weapons Specialist.

I recommend spending all of your Festival Tokens before the Festival of the Four Winds ends tomorrow. The traders will likely be unavailable after that. It's possible that we may see Festival Tokens return for a future festival, but not guaranteed.

Update: The Festival Rewards Vendor and Sovereign Weapon Vendor did disappear at the end of that chapter, but have temporarily returned (source). They can be found at the Lion's Arch Grand Plaza or Divinity's Reach Crown Pavilion Waypoint.