SSB4 Counter a Counter


In SSB4, is it possible to counter the hit resulting from an opponent's counter? For instance, say that Samus and Ike are on the same team and the game settings prevent players on the same team from hurting each other. Say Ike is face-to-face with a Marth on the other team and Samus fires her power ball from behind Ike. If Marth counters the energy ball, his counter will hit Ike since they are standing close together. If Ike counters right before Marth's counter activates, would he counter Marth's counter hit and not take any damage, or do both counters hit?

Best Answer

You could technically counter a counter, but you would have to do this very quickly and it it extremely difficult. It is much easier when using an item that slows time. It also depends on if you have custom counters. If you counter a counter, then the first counter triggers your counter and only damages the one whose counter you countered.