Starcraft – How do zerg counters mines


I'm platinum level so I don't think I have enough micro to split units when I see a mine about to fire.

In early game, I tried zerglings & roachs, speedlings seem to be the best for me because I can send some suicides to deactivate alone mines, then progressively go forward.

But since there are marines with mines, I can often barely trigger the later. I tried to provoke friendly fire but this occurred not to worth the change for me (after comparing losses on replay).

Mine drops are not really a problem for me if (when I'm well aware), now I simply do at least a spore and a spine on each mineral line, and pull off my drones when the drop is coming.

In late game, I dispatch overseers then some lings when I see mines, but I still break my teeth on defenses with mines.

So the question is:

In zerg platinum level, how to counter widow mines in early, middle, late game ?

Best Answer

Widow mines is a stress-factor for most. So here are some tips for you as a Zerg player!

Early game:

  • Send zuicide Zerglings to deal with the Widow Mines. If you think the Terran might have Widow Mines in the field, always keep 2 Zerglings ahead of your army move path. (If you Bane-Bust, send 1-2 Zergling up the ramp to trigger the mines)
  • Bring 2 Overlords with your army, or send Overlords to where you might think there is a mine or more. (it takes two mines to kill one Overlord)

Mid game:

  • Same as early game.
  • Use overseers together with ranged units. Always get the speed upgrade. (TIP: Use the "Hold" function often when engaging the Terran defences with mines - by this, your ranged units will not follow the Terran units back into the mines, but instead kill the mines since you have an Overseer or two, maybe three)
  • If you go for Mutas, always magic box them when attack the Terran!

Late game:

  • Shouldet be a problem for you.
  • But same as the previous points.