Starcraft – How much unused supply should I keep available as zerg for a macro-focused build


A common problem I have when focusing on macro as zerg is that I forget to build enough overlords until I need them. As a result of this I've lost a number of games even when I managed to scout out my opponent and see his or her army coming, because I need to build overlords before I can build a response army.

In the early to mid game, however, overlords are relatively expensive (when you're trying to allocate resources to other things). Is there a rule of thumb to keep in mind for the amount of unused supply to keep available in case you see an army coming your way?

Best Answer

I learned as a rule of thumb that you should always build one overlord for each larva injection you do. That way you shouldn't be supply blocked.

Of course, that's just a rule of thumb, if you're going to do a attack you should of course build a round of overlords to free up supply for the units.