Starcraft – How to book many marines quickly


In the late game, when I have 5-7 raxes I often need to book 15-20 marines (lings, etc) at a time. To do so right now I'm pressing 'a' button 15-20 times… which take me solid 5-10 seconds….

Is there any way to do that quicker? I believe I can configure my Windows to do 'auto-repeat' with SMALL delay, but I will need to do that before starting playing starcraft and change settings back once I left.

Is there any better way?

Best Answer

You'll need to modify your autorepeat settings and then simply hold down the key for an appropriate duration. This is the only way I'm aware of, as StarCraft doesn't allow you to configure that setting in-game.

In Windows, these two settings are in Keyboard Properties --> Speed --> Repeat Delay/Refresh Rate.

Protoss players have gotten pretty good at moving the mouse at an appropriate speed that matches the refresh rate of the keypress so as to warp in units quickly.