Starcraft – How to counter a zergling rush


I've been confronted to a lot of zerg players only playing zergling rush and it's pretty annoying. I usually play terran and I have a lot off difficulties countering these.

The best thing I found was this build which helped me countering the rush and the next wave until I had enough units to attack and beat him.

What is the best build against a Zerg, keeping the zergling rush in mind ? (feel free to post protoss solution too. The best zerg solution is … wait for it … zerglings !)

Best Answer

You have to turtle and block off your entrance. Do not use the strategy in that video. It is horrible.

As a Protoss Diamond player, I usually build my Gateway and Pylon in the entrance. I leave just enough space for a unit to pass by and I build a few Zealots to block off that narrow entrance. I also use stalkers to back up the Zealots and the Sentries to forcefield. From here, I turtle and tech up.

Terran players usually block off their entrance with supply depots (Supply depots can raise and lower for units to pass by) and a Barracks. Then they build a few marines first and then a bunker then they tech.

Remember to always scout too. Another tip is to be prepared for Mutalisks because Zerg players who mass Zerglings usually follow up with Mutalisks afterwards.