Starcraft – How to deal with Terrans turtling in Starcraft 1


I've started revisiting Starcraft one with some friends just for fun. We've been playing some FFA games mostly with between 3–5 players. I usually play as Protoss.

One of the players in our games usually plays as Terran and almost always turtles heavily. He creates a line of bunkers and backs it with a line of tanks in siege mode and lines the edges of his base with turrets.

What strategies can I use to break this? It seems like if no one focuses hard on him in the beginning of the game he easily turtles and has unbreakable defenses. Thanks for any tips!

Best Answer

I would use corsairs. Use their disruption web either on his bunkers/siege tanks or on his turrets. If you get enough turrets down you could get fliers in the main part of his base which he will not be expecting.