Starcraft – How to do to get the Outmatched: 2 Insane AI achievement


What should I do to get the Outmatched: 2 Insane AI achievement?

I've watched like dozen of online tutorials, where is shown how to do that. The only problem is that those cannon/spine rushes worked only in older versions. With the newest version ( nothing works, since insane AI uses map-hack (they don't scout at all) and attack your hidden pylon (which they haven't seen/scouted) right when you start warping it in.

And I don't think it is possible to beat 2 insane AI with regular (non-rush) gameplay, as they will soon attack with such a giant army that nothing can stop it.

Best Answer

Blizzard recently added a new custom map which makes it pretty easy to do this using the map Burning Tide.

A full guide to beating the insane AI on this map can be found on YouTube (also read the description).

This method worked for me in patch 1.1.1 - I'm not sure if it's still working but you should give it a try ;)