Starcraft 2 – How to Queue Up Stalker Blink


Check out this HuskyStarcraft video segment (if you don't get the link to the right time, it's at 19m15s)… how on Earth does Grubby get his stalkers to blink so ridiculously quickly one after the other?

Best Answer

This is a common stalker micro technique, especially useful for scaling cliffs in a group and other precision-demanding blinking.

Order your stalkers to move to a location, then use shift to queue a command to blink from there to your desired target. This way, the entire group will blink, but each unit will do so only when it is in the location you determined with the first move order, ensuring that all Stalkers reach the intended destination.

So in the video, the player right clicked the end of the near ramp, then shift+[blink hotkey]+left clicked the far ramp.