Starcraft – How to select a mixed group of troops with the Stimpack option showing


Is there a technique to select an all bio army (marine, marauder, medivac, and ghost) but with the stimpack option available first? Because when I select that army, I get the ghost options first, and I have to tab to select the other army options.

Best Answer

The answer to your question is No.

Starcraft has a priority system built-in, and there is no way to modify the priority order.

Ghosts take priority over bio, so if you group your ghosts with the rest of your army you'll have to tab-stim every time. Because of this you'll likely see ghosts used on a separate hotkey than the rest of the terran army.

The good news is that the stimpack ability takes priority over everything else except the raven's abilities, so omitting ghosts from the control group should solve your problem.