Starcraft – How to test map vision / how to open bnet maps in map editor


What is the best way to test vision on bnet maps? For example testing if a proxy building can be seen by units on high ground or xel'naga towers. I can't think of a way to do it, because if I'm building the buildings, then I cannot tell whether the opponent can see them.

One idea was to try the map editor, placing buildings there and testing the map, but I can't find any maps on my local hard drive. Where are they?

Best Answer

Go into the Map Editor and select File -> Open in the Menu. Then click on the Tab "" on the left, Log In with your SC2 account details and then you can open any map that is published on the Battle.Net server, including Blizzard maps.

You can also play one of the YABOT or SALT maps with a friend. YABOT allows for a restart of the game on-the-fly and SALT allows to save gamestates and reload them, which allows you to test stuff quicker since you don't always have to open up the map again.