Starcraft – How to transition out of the strategy when it fails


So my favorite 1v1 strategy anytime im favored in a 1v1 match is a one base fast tech attack. This strategy works very well against opponents who dont scout or try to expand right away.

My 1v1 strat in play

I tend to go undefeated in bronze and silver but once i hit gold its a bit ify and platinum I dont even bother as I usually get scouted and they counter it immediately.

What im really asking is, if this strategy fails me what can I switch to make it work? Depending on how bad it fails with my first attack I usually just GG. I really like this strategy and its something ive seen the pros use and it gets me more wins then Marines & Thors or MMM

  • 10 supply
  • 12 Racks (marines constantly)
  • 14 Refinery
  • 18 Comm
  • 19 refinery
  • 19 supply
  • 21 fact (tech add)
  • 21 supply
  • 25 Starport (give fact addon to starport)
  • banshee cloak
  • seige upgrade
  • banshee harass
  • 3 seige tanks a couple banshees and a mess of marines and i usually attack.

Best Answer

No good player fails to scout, and information is one of the few staples needed to secure a win. Even gimmicky strategies benefit from scouting, so you should learn to deal with it, and do it too, especially when doing one-base tech - don't want to hit a turtling fast expander, do you?

I watched the video and saw no (well-executed) strategy. You went 1-1-1 and fast cloak, but then the harass failed. If the win was supposed to be a good example of the strategy at work, the harass should've worked, as that is apparently the goal. From there, you proceeded to make a tank-marine-banshee army and push, and frankly, the only reason you won was that the enemy sacrificed his army early on and didn't compensate for the ensuing disparity.

As day9 says, solid wins are granted more through solid play than through gimmicky strategies. Thus, although slightly irrelevant to the question, I'll advise you to improve your scv timing - the queue was empty for a few seconds, at least once in the video. You should strive to always have workers in production, and even a single second lost is a flaw in you macro. Additionally, especially by the end, your resources were overflowing. More than 100 is OK if you're about to finish a tech building and pop a tech and a unit at the same time, more than 250 is not good, 500 means that your expo/second production building is long overdue. And if you're passing 1000, you're having serious trouble macroing.

On to a tip about your particular build. I didn't see when the turrets started being built, but it was around the time of the red push, and I'm almost certain it happened in response to you showing your banshee. You basically showed your hand to him. Considering that the tech was almost done, the banshee shouldn't even have been in your base, it should've been in or near his, waiting for cloak to finish, starting the attack as soon as possible.

Generally, your response to being scouted depends on the time of being scouted. Your strategy is only 100% discernible at its later stage - a ling wandering in as you're making a factory on double gas tells the zerg nothing. If the enemy saw a banshee though, you can be sure they're taking steps to defend from cloak. Those countermeasures cost money, meaning that the enemy is already recouping your losses from having the strategy busted. Save the banshee, poke a bit if you have time to, don't research cloak if you don't have it already. Make a raven or two (for PDD) with the lab and swap to MMM/whateveryouwant, expanding and generally going for a solid game. If the enemy got two turrets or an overseer to counter cloak, they just spent about as much money as you did for the banshee, so your resource loss is nil. Enough banshee action might convince them to devote even more resources to the perceived threat of cloak harass.

And if the enemy spots the factory in production, and for some reason you're absolutely sure they're going for anti-banshee, just go MMM or blueflame hellion rush.

TL;DR: Banshee - 150/100. Turret - 100. An enemy building two turrets means you aren't behind at all, just don't sacrifice the banshee by using it as a normal marine, harass with it for the entire game if you can. Aside from that, play normally, shifting to MMM and getting a reactor on the starport - you should always have enough units to survive a desperate all-in push when going for a harass strategy anyway.