Starcraft – In StarCraft 2 what function does a referee serve


In his answer to How to join a game as an observer in StarCraft 2 McKay states:

When in the game lobby screen, the host can right click on a user, and say "make referee", they then become an observer for the game.

Any participants who join into the game lobby after it's full will automatically be observers / referees.

Is ere a difference between a referee / observer? What function is a referee supposed to serve?

Best Answer

The differences are:

  • that a Referee can talk to the players, but the Observers can only talk to the other observers / Referees
  • A referee can pause the match, an observer cannot.

Both can:

  • Watch the game seeing everything or from an individual player/team perspective.

The way I think about it is that:

  • observers only watch. Players shouldn't ever possibly know of anything an observer is doing.
  • referees can interact with the players, but still can't issue unit commands.