Starcraft – Is replaying the final mission enough to finish the campaign, if half of the campaign was done offline


Starcraft 2, Heart of the Swarm.

So about halfway through the campaign, I begun having a terrible internet connection. So I finished most missions offline. Including the final mission.

Naturally, I didn't get the "Campaign Completed" achievement.

Now that my internet is fine again, I found a save file of the final mission, which was almost finished. So I loaded it and finished while properly connected to

I was expecting to get the achievement, but I didn't. Actually, I didn't get any of the three possible achievements (and I should have).

I suppose that it is because the save file is of offline origin. So I plan to load the save file, go to the leviathan, and play the final mission on casual difficulty to just get the thing finished and get my damn achievement for once and for all. Will this work? Considering that there are other campaign missions that were also completed during offline gameplay?

Best Answer

No you will not get the achivement for completing the campaign at a certain level(Normal, Hard etc.), by only completing the final mission. In other words, your Battlenet will not reg. the completion of the campaign. Completing the campaign is triggered by the individual sets of mission achivements (like getting the achivement for the Char set)

By completing all the sets, including the final set (Final Missions), you will the completion! So look through your achivements list, and see what sets you are missing.

TIP: Complete the final mission, and load the other missions that you are missing, afterwards.

List of Mission sets from Sc2 HOTS: