Starcraft – Most effective path (tower defense maps)


I'm playing a SC2 "tower-defense"-like map, and need to find out how to build walls efficiently, so that units stay longer on the map and take more damage.

The map looks like this:

The most common strategy is to build your wall around a turning point (the red arrow). This seems to give you the ability to deal a lot of damage and a decent time advantage.

But how can I increase that time, by building two spirals, around two turning points, and make it so the unit has to pass one of them 2 times in order to get to the end?

I know it's possible, I've seen it in another map, but can't remember how. 🙁

Best Answer

Create a 6-pass spiral in the middle, place most towers in the middle

You should not go for long lines as the time the towers can fire at creepers won't be long, which gives you a non-optimal build. A six-pass build is none-the-less a good thing, but an optimization to it is that you make a spiral near the center (where the roads cross).

This way, the monsters will go through the spiral several times and the (special) towers in the middle will do optimal damage to the creepers that pass through. Passing through the whole surface of a tower rather than running through it with a line is obviously more efficient.

There is a 8-part video where this tactic is used to beat ABSURD mode: