Starcraft – the best Protoss counter for mass Stalkers


I had about 5-6 carriers against 20-25 stalkers, and my carriers went down too fast.
I did take out most of his army, but he can regenerate it much faster.

Best Answer

  • Immortal
  • High Templar
  • Zealots
  • Colossus
  • More/Better Stalkers

So the Protoss army is surprisingly well equipped to deal with Stalkers, and if you're scouting early heavy Stalker play (eg he has only 2 Zealots, 4 gateways and maybe a Twilight Council), awesome, just massing any of these and you win. But what if you don't?

Its very easy to fall into the trap of: Unit X would be really good right now, without realizing: to build the 20 or so Zealots I'd need to beat his 25 Stalkers I'd have to get 2000 minerals and use 4 Gateways 5 times (ie. 3 minutes of building or 190 in game seconds). Ok, so if you have 4-5 Carriers and you scout mass Stalker, that's not an option. So what can you do?

I'm going to ignore better scouting for the moment (because there is no feasible upper limit on how much scouting you can do) and focus instead on:

  • Carrier Micro
  • Delaying your Opponent

Carriers have a Sight of 12 and an attack range of 8. This may feel kind of weak until you realize two truths: Carriers can attack while moving, Interceptors have a range of 14. Its these to advantages you're going to have to use to beat down the Stalkers. To do that you're going to need to engage (attack) and then quickly run away while your interceptors continue to engage. As the Stalkers engage your Interceptors your Carriers will move far out of range of the Stalkers, preventing easy focus fire. Don't forget to build more Interceptors as they tend to die. (You can even auto-cast building interceptors so you don't have to micro-manage this aspect.)

If the Stalkers attempt to engage the Carriers, your best tactic is to retreat over cliffs. While Stalkers can blink down cliffs easily, they cannot blink up cliffs unless they have sight. This is key, as your Carriers only provide sight of themselves while attacking, not of the ground under them. On a map like Kulas Ravine this can be deadly.

Since you do need a vary large Stalker force to deal with Carriers, the longer you can delay him with the Carriers the more easily you can build up a decent force of Chargelots, or Immortals (or something deadlier). So your goal with your Carriers is to do as much damage away from your base as possible. I find the best way against most people is to attack at their main. If they don't have great scouting they will worry that your main is well defended and it'll keep them in their base, buying you time. Most mains have great places for Carrier micro, just look at the main on Steppes of War:

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Is there any explanation for this map other than Blizzard wanting you to be vulnerable to air? Put two Carriers on either side of his base and attack in turns. He'll ping pong his units back and forth. Even if he does split his forces you can just back off and attack his natural. By the time he has a solid defense against this you can easily be sitting on an Immortal/Void Ray army (I want you to think what this would do to Stalkers... especially after the recent Void Ray buff)