Starcraft – the meaning of the number 54 in Blizzard’s games

starcraft-2world of warcraft

In many places related to StarCraft and World of Warcraft there is a number "54". Is it really just a part of the decoration, or it has a special, secret meaning?

Hilt of a sword with 54 on the end

A blown up image of part of a Command Center (Orbital Command)](

A cropped Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty screenshot

A Bunker

Recoilless Rocket Ripper X-54

Below are a few links, mostly to discussions on the forums:

What does this number mean under my portrait?

Factory 54


Bunker 54

UPDATE: modified the question to address Blizzard games in general

Best Answer

One of the StarCraft art teams is referred to as "Team 54"
