Starcraft – way to tell how many buildings have been destroyed in SC2 – The Dig


Been playing StarCraft 2, and I'm wondering if there is a way to tell how many buildings you have destroyed in the level "The Dig" working towards the achievement for destroying 50 buildings with the giant laser? Is there a counter somewhere?

Best Answer

There isn't a way to check exactly how many buildings you've killed with the laser, but the laser does show how many total kills it has when it's selected, so you can use that as a rough estimate. (Obviously, if you kill nothing but buildings with the laser, then the kill count tells you exactly what you need to know. But on Hard difficulty, which is what the achievement requires, that might be, well, hard.)

You're guaranteed to get the achievement if you simply kill all of the Protoss buildings on the map, or at least the vast majority of them. Some strategies are discussed on Liquipedia, including:

  • Push through the bases with your units, using them to spot for the laser.
  • Use floating buildings or Vikings to spot (possibly using cliffs to your advantage). In some areas, the Protoss will keep trying to rebuild the buildings you destroy, so you can just continue to pick them off and you'll eventually hit 50 that way.
  • Use Orbital Commands to Scan around the map and kill the buildings you reveal that way. Orbital Commands are unlocked after 12 missions according to this discussion.