Starcraft – What are primal Zerg


Heart of the Swarm introduces Primal Zerg. What are they?

Best Answer

Primal Zergs are also referred as "original zergs". They are zerg that never left their original home planet, Zerus, and thus never evolved/mutated

Source, SC lore (and the wikis, of course!)

As for the spoiler: Kerrigan's back to her human form, retaining her boosted psyonic powers and her zerg hairs. She was mercyless in WoL but here in HoTS she moves just by pure revenge. She is dfferent than the old Queen of Blades: she probably still has a human core on her inner inside, but she's not going to be human again. So, the answer is: 99% corrupted, 1% still Sarah.

BIG BIG BIG SPOILER (not really, you can find it in the wiki):

In the final scene, the camera pans around space and galaxy while Kerrigan narrates, stating that she must face her true enemy after renouncing everything she has and embraces her role as the leader of the Swarm.