Starcraft – What are some good Terran counters to Hydralisks


I was surprised how strong Hydralisks are against siege tanks – TeamLiquid tells me that tanks are actually strong against Hydras.

But why? Tanks do 35 damage (+splash) in siege mode to hydras. But their rate of fire is very low. Thor isn't any worse, and also provide air protection. Marines (with Medivacs) should work even better.

So questions is:

  1. What is really good counter to hydras?
  2. If tanks, then how to use them properly?

Edit: (after Tzenes's answer)

Pure hydras are rare, usually if you go pure marines eventually you will get Banelings. So you could use some marines, but don't think a lot of them is very good, only if you are able to make them in unexpected manner.

Regarding tanks: shouldn't Thors be much better than tanks against Hydras? They are almost twice more expensive (300/200 against 150/125) and has a little bit longer cooldown (1.28 against 1.04), but has 2.5 times more HP (400 against 160), 60 ground damage against 15 (in normal mode) and provide good anti-air. It is even better if you consider splash damage in siege mode too.

What do you think of that?

Best Answer

So, the short answer to your question is: Marines and Siege Tanks.

Let's start by looking Siege Tank against Hydras as compared to Siege Tanks against Roaches.

Assuming no upgrades, it takes a Siege Tank 3 hits to kill a Hydra (35*3 > 80) and 3 hits to kill a Roach (50*3-3 > 145); however, with one armor upgrade it takes Siege Tanks 4 hits to kill the Roach. Since they're both the same size, this means Siege Tanks are better against Hydras than Roaches (even better since Hydras represent more resources). Despite their longer range Hydras also move much slower than Roaches giving Siege Tanks much more time to hit them with out repercussions.

So the question becomes, how do you use them better?

The key principles to Siege Tanks are:

  • Don't clump them together (the time it takes to move from attacking one Tank to the next matters)
  • Layer them (while fewer will get earlier attacks, this means the enemy must move through earlier layers to attack later ones)
  • Don't leave them alone (despite their high hp, use Marine/Marauder to soak damage)
  • Use spotters (Siege Mode range is actually longer than their sight range so use an Air unit or near by tower or move a couple Marines forward).
  • You need about 6-7 tanks to be effective. While lower numbers will still help it takes at least that many before you can move out
  • Abuse chokes and high ground (this should be obvious)
  • Don't move on to Creep (always use Scans/Ravens to kill Creep Tumors, you don't want Zerg covering that ground faster).

Strangely enough, Marines are also amazing against Hydralisks. Because most Hydra forces are lead by Roaches (which are good vs Marines) its easy to overlook that, for cost, Marines both out dps and out tank Hydras. Since a Hydra is 100 min, 50 gas we can say is the equivalent of 2-4.5 Marines (depending on how you count gas), however they have half the cost effective dps of a Marine and less hit points than 2 Marines (not counting Stim or Combat Shield). In short, Hydras are overpriced Marines.

If you're up against pure Hydra do not hesitate to Macro Marines.