Starcraft – What are the keys to earn Gold on Opening Gambit


I'm having trouble getting past Silver on Opening Gambit, the challenge mission where you must produce 30 Marines, 8 Siege Tanks, and 8 Ghosts within 14 minutes (for Gold). The best I've been able to do so far is to finish with 2:23 on the timer, which is 1:37 short of Gold.

Typically I haven't had issues holding off the attackers, but simply can't get QUITE all my Ghosts or tanks out in time. 1:37 short comes out to about 3 Ghosts late.

I think my issue revolves around timing my expansion compared to moving to the more-expensive Ghosts and tanks. My strategy so far has been to wall off my base as suggested, and get two bunkers down: 1 up on the cliff, and 1 down below. Usually I'm expanding as the second bunker is going into production.

Siege tanks stay up on the cliff when they start being produced. My best attempt so far had 2 Factories+Tech producing tanks, 2 Barracks+Tech producing Ghosts, and 1 Barracks+Reactor producing Marines, but I was still too late getting production kicked off.

Do I need to expand earlier? If so, when should I do that relative to expanding to gas and working on tanks and Ghosts? Should I crank out all my Marines before moving to Ghosts?

Best Answer

You don't need much base defense. Try getting by without building any bunkers, and just defending early with the marines that you build, and later with tanks. You'll definitely need a good wall-off and units correctly positioned on the cliff to do damage to the zerg as the come around the corner. You can afford to expand pretty late (you only need it for the gas), once you have the majority of your tanks sieged on your cliff. Expanding late will allow you to not have to spend any extra money on base defense.

You should not stop producing SCVs for a very long time. It should be at least 10 minutes where your command center is NEVER idle. Get an orbital command as soon as your first barracks finishes, and use MULEs every time its up. Pump marines non-stop from your first barracks (no add-on). As gas allows, get your factory up and pump tanks until you hit 8. Get siege when you have enough gas to research it without stopping tank production. As your 1-base economy starts to peak, you will have enough extra minerals that you can't spend with your limited number of production buildings. At this point, build a second barracks and you'll soon be at 30 marines. Once at 30, put tech labs on your barracks and get ghosts as gas allows. You should also have extra minerals, since 2-rax marine, SCVs, and a factory should not be spending it all. When you have 400, build a command center inside your base (you'll float it down when its done). Move SCVs down from your main, and prioritize gas. You should be close to 8 tanks by now, so put all your gas into ghosts. If you can't spend all your gas on 2 rax ghosts, get more.

I got gold on this challenge on my first try. It shouldn't be too difficult if you follow good macro fundamentals (constant production, don't supply block yourself, correctly prioritize your resources).